Survey Infographic
Hello fellow consultants! You may recall the surveys that we conducted in late 2017 and early 2018; the data from those surveys has been compiled into an infographic (click PDF icon below to download)
We shared it with delegates at the Global Wellness Summit, and you may find it of use for potential consulting clients. Your task force will continue our efforts to give some defined size and scope to the spa & wellness consulting sector.
Common Consulting Questions
This resource looks into common Consulting questions:
How do I know if I need a Consultant?
Some of the common pitfalls spa owners and developers fall into
Common Areas of Practice for Spa Consultants
Guidelines to the Consultant Selection Process
Typical Financial Arrangements
(click PDF icon below to download)
Consultants Corner Videos
Consultant Corner videos feature brief answers to commonly asked questions in spa and wellness development and management.
Need more details? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.